Partonomy list P4, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

muscles of superficial part of posterior compartment of forearm (pair)

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Top level muscular system Short Extended
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Current level muscles of superficial part of posterior compartment of forearm (pair)
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
38491 14468
muscles of superficial part of posterior compartment of forearm (pair)
musculi partis superficialis compartimenti antebrachii posterioris (par)
326751 14554
common extensor tendon (pair)
tendo extensorius communis (par)
38485 2018
brachioradial muscle (pair) ; brachioradialis muscle (pair)
musculus brachioradialis (par)
323234 14521
radial extensors muscles of wrist (pair) ; extensor carpi radialis muscles (pair)
musculi extensores carpi radiales (par)
38494 2019
long radial extensor muscle of wrist (pair) ; extensor carpi radialis longus muscle (pair)
musculus extensor carpi radialis longus (par)
38497 2020
short radial extensor muscle of wrist (pair) ; extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle (pair)
musculus extensor carpi radialis brevis (par)
38500 2021
superficial extensor muscle of fingers (pair) ; extensor digitorum muscle (pair)
musculus extensor digitorum superficialis (par)
322738 2022
intertendinous pathways (pair)
connexus intertendinei (par)
40734 14526
distal tendons of superficial extensor muscle of finger (pair)
tendines distales musculi extensoris digitorum superficialis (par)
49221 15259
tendon of index finger (pair)
tendo indicis (par)
49222 15260
tendon of middle finger of hand (pair)
tendo digiti medii (par)
49224 15262
tendon of little finger (pair)
tendo digiti minimi (par)
extensor expansion (pair)
aponeurosis extensoria manus (par)
extensor hood (pair)
cucullus extensorius (par)
central band (pair)
fasciculus centralis (par)
collateral bands (pair)
fasciculi collaterales (par)
38503 2023
extensor muscle of little finger (pair) ; extensor digiti minimi muscle (pair)
musculus extensor digiti minimi (par)
40749 14525
tendon of extensor muscle of little finger (pair)
tendo musculi extensoris digiti minimi (par)
38506 2024
ulnar extensor muscle of wrist (pair) ; extensor carpi ulnaris muscle (pair)
musculus extensor carpi ulnaris (par)
77260 2025
humeral head (pair)
caput humerale (par)
77261 2026
ulnar head (pair)
caput ulnare (par)
40764 14520
tendon of ulnar extensor muscle of wrist (pair)
tendo musculi extensoris carpi ulnaris (par)
37704 2002
anconeus muscle (pair)
musculus anconeus (par)
23 lines
65.2 %
73.9 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
The aponeurosis extensoria and its components were described by Landsmeer (1949 Anat Rec 104:31-44; 1955 Acta Anat 25, Suppl 24:1-69). The extensor hood is the proximal portion of the extensor expansion, covering the MP joint and extending onto the proximal phalanx. The central band of fibres of the extensor expansion attaches to the middle phalanx, whereas the collateral bands attach to the distal phalanx.
The tendo extensorius communis is the common tendon for the superficial extensors of the forearm coming from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 14468
Invalid check Found children: 68
Invalid check Found units: 23
Invalid signature 19418 (stored value 6461)
Date: 18.07.2023